
Sunday, October 7

Food Meme...

Darcy tagged me for this food meme! I'm supposed to take the letters of my name and tell you a food-related factoid about me for each letter.

Eggs: Please don't laugh, but until I started teaching first grade and we did a unit on eggs and chicks (we hatched our own!), I didn't know that the eggs we eat are not fertilized... Eggs kind of grossed me out until I learned that fact!

Madeline Cookies: Though I have had these before, I have never made them myself. I am planning on trying out this recipe sometime during the week.

Milk: My parents made us all drink a glass of milk with dinner until my sister Katharine broke them by sitting at the table for hours and refusing to drink a drop (for days in a row). Though I tease them for being weak in the face of my stubborn sister, I was (and still am) secretly happy that she freed herself (and the rest of us!) from having to drink milk.

Appetizers: I love eating appetizers! Sometimes, I will prepare an appetizer only lunch or dinner. Some of our favorites are feta cheese dip, boneless buffalo wings, onion dip, veggies and chips, cheese, crackers, and pepperoni, and chili cheese dip. We also enjoy breaking out a bottle of sparkling apple cider to drink when we eat a meal like this.
If you are reading this, consider yourself tagged!


  1. Oooooh, great list.

    You don't like milk, eh?

  2. I have a LONG name. Great meme. I think I will just use "Chatty."

  3. I'm with you on the milk. I can't drink it unless there is a lot of chocolate syrup mixed in it!
