
Sunday, September 16

Brownies with Highlights...

Having always been a fan of Brownies, I have never felt the burning desire to bake Blondies. However, tonight was Bible Study night and I baked Brownies last time! Blondies seemed like a great substitute, so I quickly made a pan of them while our little one was occupied. They tasted pretty good, but the chocolate chips melted too much and made them look dark brown under the crust... So I decided to rename them: Brownies with Highlights. I'll cool the butter and sugar longer next time!


  1. I'm not a brownie fan, but all bets are off with blondies, yum!

  2. isn't time for the commitment to loveliness thingy? Hope you are ok.

  3. Hi Nanny Kim!

    I forgot to post it on Sunday and was too busy on Monday:( Things will return to normal next week I hope!

  4. fewy--I was so worried something had happened to You!!!

  5. Blondies are my husbands favorite!
