
Wednesday, June 27

Finishing School...

According to my site meter, we had 368 unique visitors (957 Raw Hits!) yesterday... if you are here for the Finishing School, leave a comment and tell us what you think! We'd love to know what you are enjoying and what you are looking forward to! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I am really enjoying the Finishing School lessons. It's all very inspiring! I have found something in each lesson to work on in my day to day life.

    Thank you!

  2. Thank you for taking the time to do this. I love that all of your ideas are small and manageable, simple things that add up to a big difference.


  3. Hi, I'm Beth. I'm here for the Finishing School and am really looking forward all of the future posts for i've really enjoyed the atest ones! Keep onkeeping on!

    ~Lori Beth

  4. I am enjoying it all so far. I am all for self improvement! :) I would look forward to wardrobe tips. I find I have a lot of clothes but not many that I wear often or like much but have "just because". I would rather have a small but functional and enjoyable wardrobe. Any tips would be appreciated!
    Keep up the great work!

  5. Emma ---

    I'm definitely enjoying the Finishing School lessons, and I certainly appreciate your efforts in developing the posts... such good, practical information.

    ~ Janna

  6. I'm here for Finishing School and am really enjoying it as well. I love the idea of remaking many areas and not just focusing on one topic.

  7. I have been enjoying all of your wonderful Finishing School posts. Thank you very much for taking the time to share all of this interesting information. :o)

  8. It's wonderful! I'm so inspired:)

  9. I have loved reading the daily entries! Thank you so much for taking the time to post!


  10. I originally came to your blog for the Finishing School. I love the rest of your post and plan on returning after this week.


  11. I'm here for Finishing School and I am enjoying the posts :-)

  12. Delurking to leave a comment. Really enjoying your articles. Looking forward to more.

  13. I love the posts they are inspiring (and exactly what I needed :P)
