
Tuesday, March 6

Feminine Inspiration: Feminine Activities...

I don't know what the weather's like in your neck of the woods, but here at The Parsonage, it is very cold and windy! The house is creaking as the wind blows and the gusts are even coming down through the chimney!

The baby and I are bundled up in our toasty house and are planning to eat and drink nice, warm things throughout the day. Since we are missing Papa (who is out ministering to the sick), we are going to have a day of lovely feminine activities! We will be doing baskets of laundry (nothing like things fresh from the dryer to warm one up), bird-watching from the kitchen windows, cooking, tidying, and maybe even bubble bathing! we are even considering the indulgence of watching a long, feminine movie while snuggled under blankets (We'll see if the nine month old is willing to be immobilized for a few hours! Ha!).

Wherever you are and whatever the weather, do something deliciously feminine with your day! Please leave a comment about your plans... It's wonderful to have fresh ideas!


  1. Oh, don't you love houses that creak when the wind blows? It makes you feel so snug inside.

    We live in a fairly new house. But, we're at the top of a rise without much wind-break around us. So, the winds really sing when they blow past our house.


  2. Sounds cozy and delightful.

  3. Ooh, we had house-creaking wind all day yesterday and last night. So eerie, but also strangely cozy! I hope you do get to snuggle with a movie. Anne of Avonlea (BBC version) came in the mail today from Netflix, and I am dying to watch it! I know my baby won't stand for it, though! Hope yours does! :-)

  4. I don't know if you'd call my day deliciously feminine, but I am doing my housewifely duties today. I've kids home from school with strep throat and contractors coming to give us estimates. We are quite cold and expecting snow tonight or tomorrow.

  5. That sounds like such a relaxing day. I think something I do a lot for fun and to relax is cook. I especially love to find new Lenten recipes. Since I'm on a low starch diet I try to find recipes that are Lenten and low starch, which is harder but makes cooking exciting when I find a good recipe.

  6. I have been reading more of your entries about femininity and this is a beautiful site you have. I love the artwork. May I add you to my blogroll?

  7. In preparing to visit family 8 hours away (loooong trip tomorrow) I've decided to only bring long, flowy dresses. I told my husband this and he smiled and told me how much he loves me being so feminine. swoon.

  8. You have so many inspiring ideas for this wintry day :) I am on my own tonight and I recently received the movie "Nanny McPhee" as and early birthday gift so I may be snuggling up with that and a cup of cocoa, and a soft, feminine night-gown tonight. I think I might add some polish to my toes too, others might not see them but I'll know its there ;) Maybe it will jump-start me with some nanny inspiration to finish out this week!

  9. Uummmm, let's see - a brand new, chocolate brown with lace trim skirt (on sale, no less:-)!) from Christopher and Banks with a peasant blouse and nail polish! Am feeling better already!

  10. We spent part of this beautiful spring day feeding ducks at the lake whie the belltower played love songs from Cinderella and Romeo and Juliet, then we walked around the lake to the stream where we play "pooh sticks" by throwing twigs and gumballs into the water and seeing how far they go. It felt feminine to be with my children in such beatiful places enjoying God's creation.

  11. Hello Elizabeth! There is nothing better than a windy day! If our daughter was bigger, it would have been the perfect afternoon to fly a kite!

    Hi Carmen! It was a great day:)

    I didn't know there was a BBC version of Anne, Courtney! Did you enjoy it? I'll have to see if it is available anywhere around here:)

    I'm sorry that your children are sick, Andrea! Sore throats are dreadful! i hope that they feel better soon and that you don't catch anything!

    Cooking during Lent (especially with diet restrictions) can be tricky, Audrey. I am in my second year of cooking during the fasts, and am finally starting to enjoy it! I know that Fr. John is finding fasting more tolerable now than when we were first married!
    I would be flattered to be added to your blog roll! Thanks!

    It is so great that you are packing pretty dresses, Haus Frau! I'd love to hear all about how your trip in dresses works out for you!

    Hi Nanny Y.! I loved Nanny McPhee! What did you think?

    You new clothes sound gorgeous, Lady Nicole! Nail polish always lifts my mood, too:)

  12. You day sound like it was wonderful, Alicia! I especially liked the idea of the bell towers playing music! How beautiful!
