
Sunday, February 18

Feminine Inspiration: A Feminine Corner...

Every woman needs a place that is all her own. Whether it is an entire room dedicated for her pretty things and pursuits or just a corner in the family room, it should be a place that is feminine and beautiful... a place where she can be peaceful, productive, or both. Whatever strikes her fancy!

When creating a space like this for yourself, consider all of your senses. Make sure that there is something in within your reach that celebrates your senses of smell, touch, taste, hearing,and sight. Consider what you will be doing in your little alcove. Will you be reading? Crafting? Dreaming? Primping? What kind of space do can you find to accommodate your pursuits? What treasures are already in your home that can be used to create this retreat?

If you are looking for a spot to read, for instance, is there a corner (perhaps by a window) where you can bring a plump armchair? Will a small table fit nearby? Perhaps you can add a footstool and a cozy throw that can be artfully tossed over the back of the chair for easy access. A lamp is vital for the table as well as a few pretty touches - a lacy doily, a dear little picture, and several blooms in a vase. Once you are ready for a few minutes of solitude, gather up a book and a snack and head to *your* spot in the house!


  1. I've wanted to do this for a long time and just never got around to it! You have inspired me to put this on my priority list for this week...I suppose it could also be one of my goals for "Commitment to Loveliness" as well....which I'll post on my blog later today...Thanks for the inspiration, Emma!

  2. I really want to buy an old fashioned trunk for my bedroom and make it into my girly-girl chest full of antique books, doilies and the like! :)

    You always inspire me to be more biblically feminine.

    Have a wonderful GIRLY GIRL WEEK!

  3. My goal is to do this is the new house. I really want a quiet reading corner in the bedroom! I've got the chair, now I need the space!

  4. Just found your blog and am really enjoying it! Love the Commitment to Loveliness. I need to go start my list of five. :)

    I'll be back.

    Cheers! LA

  5. I'm glad that so many of you liked this idea! it would be great if we could all post poictures of our spot!

    I haven't taken my own advice yet, but when I do, I'll post and maybe have a Mr. Linky so that others can too!
