
Sunday, January 21

Commitment to Loveliness...

A new trend among bloggers seems to be having a special topic that is covered weekly... some good ones are "Frugal Friday, Works for Me Wednesday, Carnivals of Beauty, etc.

I think that it is time for a Commitment to Loveliness! This will be a fun way to increase femininity and beauty in our lives each week without even trying! All you have to do is choose five things that you would like to work on or do during the week that will increase the loveliness in your life!

Here is an example of five things that Miss Jane Eyre might choose to do:

1. Have teatime each day... enjoy drinking a favorite beverage while sitting in my favorite chair everyday at 3 pm.

2. Draw a hot bubble bath to soak in at least three times this week.

3. Add lace trim to pillowcases.

4. Put a vase full of freshly picked flowers in the library.

5. Purchase new shoes for Rochester's ball.

Once you have chosen five simple things, post them on your blog and link to this post in your post, and then post the direct link to your Commitment to Loveliness post below. If you do not have a blog, but have a commitment to share, please post them in the comments section. On Saturday, post the results of your Commitment to Loveliness (good or bad). Above all, enjoy yourself!

I look forward to reading how others are celebrating their Commitment to Loveliness!


  1. This sounds like fun! I'll participate. Here's my link:

  2. Great idea! I'll have to do this sometime this week! :)

  3. Thanks Mandy Grace... I'm popping over right now!

    I'm looking forward to reading yours, Lindsey!

  4. ok, I'm in! I posted my list over on my Xanga.

  5. Great, Carol! I made a little link to you:) Thanks for posting!

  6. I came across your blog from Sallie's! This is a wonderful idea! I may join in next week ~ Do you start on Monday?

    btw ~ I love your sidebar! I am going to go back through it and find books and movies that I can watch with my girls!

  7. Hi Michelle!

    Thanks for visiting! You can start your commitment any day of the week that you want. I think that I am going to post my goals on Sunday and report on how I did on Saturday night.

    I'm going to check your blog right now:) I love your title for it!

  8. Emma, I have posted my Commitment to Loveliness as well on my blog.

  9. I can't wait to see it, Mrs. Garcia! Thanks for participating!
