
Tuesday, January 23

Anti-Procrastination Challenge (Tuesday)...

Imagine my surprise when I popped over to The Sparrow's Nest, and found that Mrs. Wilt has begun an Anti-Procrastination Challenge. Today was the day that I finally got down to business on projects that I have been waiting in the wings for long enough!

The first item on our to-do list was to bring our Christmas Tree to the dump site in our town. Though the decorations came off a nearly two weeks ago, we had been waiting for my husband to have a free moment to lash it onto the roof of our car and take it to it's final resting place. After a bit of a hair-raising journey (the tree was literally swaying in the wind as I hung on to the ropes holding it down for dear life), it is finally out of the house!

The next thing I worked on today was *trying* to train the baby to sleep in her own bed (rather than my arms or in our bed. Though I have been complaining about this new development (which began when we put the mattress down lower in her co-sleeper), I have not really tried to do anything about it. However, today was the day! I put her into her bed for her nap and emerged two hours later with a baby who had slept for a total of fifteen minutes. Needless to say, I am not looking forward to bedtime.

The third, and final project that I tackled today, was the baby's bedroom. I sorted through all of her outgrown clothing and packed it away in huge ziplock bags. While I was in her closet, I also decluttered and straightened things up. I ended up with a very tidy nursery!

Procrastination should not be a characteristic that women who want to be feminine allow in themselves. As a woman who frequently falls into procrastination, I thank Mrs. Wilt for beginning this important challenge and urge all of the readers of this blog to join in!


  1. Sounds like you got a lot done! Your last comment is great! Procrastination certainly is not a trait I'm proud of!

  2. Thanks, Tammy! I have a long way to go before I am procrastination free!

  3. You did get a lot done! You should be pleased with your accomplishments, and I agree - I don't like that I procrastinate. I've been working on it since the New Year, and this challenge is sure helping.

  4. Just came across you blog. I love what you have in your headline! What a great quote and oh so true.
