
Friday, December 1

To My Readers...

If you would like your blog's link to appear on my sidebar, please drop me a comment and I would be happy to update my blog listing to include it!


  1. I'd love to be added! *grin* I'm quite a faithful reader, even if I don't comment very much! :o)

  2. I'd also love to be on your list. I've been reading for the past month or so, and I greatly appreciate the encouragement to be feminine! I am not a skirt-only lady, but I am adding to my skirts and dresses, and I have loved looking for more ways to be feminine for my husband. Keep up the great blogs! :)

  3. Emma, thanks for the opportunity to be added to your list. I would love that. I just discovered your blog within the past month or so and I have found it to be very encouraging. Thanks for your thoughts.

  4. I will link to you soo, ladies! Things have been so hectic here!
