
Friday, October 13

What Your Skin Needs…

According to Better Than Beauty: A Guide to Charm, skin needs only three things:
A Healthy Diet
Proper External Cleansing
Becoming Makeup

A Healthy Diet
A healthy diet includes plenty of water, green vegetables, fruits, eggs, and milk. I have been trying very hard to maintain good eating habits due to nursing, but could really improve my intake of water.

Proper External Cleansing
Once upon a time, I had a very nice complexion. It was a lovely pale ivory color and very smooth. I rarely got blemishes, but when I did, they cleared up rather quickly.

Fast forward to four and a half months postpartum. My face is red, dry, flaky, and bumpy. It breaks out with the slightest provocation (i.e. changing cleanser or moisturizer). In short, it has humbled me more than words can express!

I have finally discovered that my skin will no longer allow products to touch it that have chemicals in it. After months of trying this product and that product, the winner is: Burt’s Bees! Talk about Crunchy Mama! However, I am not arguing! I will accept this fate happily if it means that I can have my pre-baby skin back!

Products I use: Dove soap, Burt’s Bees Evening Primrose Overnight Creme, and Burt's Bees Beeswax Moisturizing Creme

Becoming Makeup
I really believe that if one is going to wear makeup it should be enhancing and it should make you look like you, just better. I wear a little bit every day: Max Factor Pan Stick (just dab here and there), pale colored eye shadow, mascara, and blush. Besides wearing makeup to enhance one’s beauty, I think that good grooming of one’s eyebrows is enormously important. Though I have been known to let my brows go without plucking for a bit too long (such is the case right now), I have noticed the great difference it make when I take the time to groom them!

My Three Goals for improving my skin are to:
Drink more water.
Properly clean and moisturize my face in the morning and in the evening.
Take the time to groom my eyebrows!

What improvements will you be making to enhance your skin?


  1. I need to be more diligent in using moisturizer around my eyes.

    I used to be quite good about exfoliating my face but I have rosacea so it can irritate my face to exfoliate.

    I have been trying to drink more water and take my vitamin every day.

    One thing I currently do that works well is that I exfoliate my lips with a toothbrush and after every shower I put on either chapstick or vaseline. It keeps my lips from peeling and keeps them soft and full.

  2. I had another thought about make up......I have found that Bare Minerals make up makes skin look amazing and very natural.

    I think I'm really going to enjoy this blog because I love these kinds of subjects. (o:

  3. Hi Mrs. B!

    I liked reading all your goals and tips... especially the one about exfoliating lips. Tis the season for chapped lips!

    I've heard so many good things about Bare Minerals makeup. I'll have to try it out!


  4. I agree with Mrs. B about exfoliating lips. I try to do this regularly, especially as I'm very prone to chapped lips. I keep a tub of Blistex around everday, but I don't want to be too dependent on it.

    I also need to be more diligent about washing my face thoroughly before bed. I usually feel like I'm racing the clock before the baby starts fussing.

    Eyebrows too! I used to have them waxed on a regular schedule, but it seems like an unnecessary expense since the baby. I hate plucking, though, so they are in bad, bad shape!

    I'm looking forward to more ideas. We need to talk hair! I'm at my wits end lately!

  5. Hi Courtney!

    I know what you mean about racing the clock when you have a little baby! Sometimes I run around like a chicken with my head cut off just to get one more thing in before she wakes up!

    I think that you should splurge on getting your eyebrows done if you can afford it... maybe scrimping a bit on something else will make you feel better about spending the money. If something make you feel great about yourself and it isn't excessive, I say go for it!

