
Saturday, October 28

Feminine Inspiration in Books and Movies...

In honor of my twenty-fifth post, I would like to ask the readers of this blog for their input. What books and/or movies increase the desire to be more feminine? I will list all the suggestions on the sidebar of this blog. That way, when the mood strikes, one can watch a video or read a book that will inspire! I look forward to your response!


  1. My favorite is DEFINITELY The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte. The main character, Helen, is an excellent example of a Proverbs 31 woman.

  2. The Grace Livingston Hill books all have feminine girls in them. They also have wonderful discriptions about home life and Godly womanhood. There are a lot of them and they are all really good.
    I like your blog!

  3. As for movies, The original BBC series of (Can't remember the name) but it has Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet in it.....
    The Princess Bride
    The new phantom of the opera
    Emma with Gweneth Paltrow

  4. All the Jane Austen books and movies, the Little House on the Prairie books (but not the tv show), and Fascinating Womanhood.

  5. A must for the best example of femininity, especially as described in Fascinating Womenhood, is the movie,"Seven Brides for Seven Brothers". The female lead played by Jane Powell is one to strive to copy!!!!!

  6. Books I would suggest are The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace and The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian. The only movie I can think of right this moment is Gone With the Wind, specifically Melly (not so much Scarlett). Maybe Little Women

  7. The Elsie Dinsmore series is wonderful! Also So Much More is really good too.


  8. My all time favorite is Anne of Green Gables!! The books and movies. LOVE THEM! Also the Sarah Plain and Tall movies. The movie Wives and Daughters.

  9. Let me see - I have to second Wives & Daughters and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Also Sense & Sensibility, Emma, and Pride & Prejudice (the BBC one). And Roman Holiday, Bleak House ( I love Ada in that!), Our Mutual Friend, Mrs. Miniver; I think there are a lot of older movies that are good for encouraging femininity. And the book FW, of course:-)!

  10. I agree with Mrs. R, 'Stepping Heavenward' is very inspiring. I also like 'Princess in Calico' and 'Little Homes Big Hearts'.....which are all available from

    As for movies 'The Magic of Ordinary Days' is one of my favorites! I've watched it at least 10 times.

  11. For a movie, I would say Sabrina and Chronicles of Narnia (Susan and Lucy are always very feminine.)

  12. Two movies that inspire me to be more feminine are:

    My Fair Lady
    Age of Innocence

    The clothes! The etiquette! The lovely manners!
    Kathy F.

  13. Don't listen to what says about Tenant of Wildfell Hall. It is NOT a feminist book. Anne Bronte would be aghast if she knew they were warping her lovely, ladylike book like that. The main character does make the mistake of marrying the wrong man; but after she realizes her mistake, she has a consistent godly response and a high moral standard.

  14. Wow! What great recommendations! Thank you so much!

